Today's postings

  1. [Baren 33392] Re: Baren Digest (old) V39 #3895 ("Marilynn Smith")
  2. [Baren 33393] Re: missing prints... (Sharri LaPierre)
  3. [Baren 33394] Re: Baren Digest (old) V39 #3898 ("Marilynn Smith")
  4. [Baren 33395] magnified headset ("Robert Viana")
  5. [Baren 33396] Slightly Off Topic (Dan Dew)
  6. [Baren 33397] Re: missing prints... (Julio.Rodriguez #
  7. [Baren 33398] Spring Cairn update! ("Maria Arango")
  8. [Baren 33399] Re: Baren Digest (old) V39 #3898 ("Mike Lyon")
  9. [Baren 33400] one more! ("Maria Arango")
  10. [Baren 33401] Re: one more! (derrick sampson)
  11. [Baren 33402] Baren Member blogs: Update Notification (Blog Manager)
  12. [Baren 33403] Re: Year of nauseam ("Carole Baker") ("Mark Mason")
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Message 1
From: "Marilynn Smith"
Date: Wed, 9 May 2007 08:14:37 -0700
Subject: [Baren 33392] Re: Baren Digest (old) V39 #3895
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"Although the cards take time, effort and expense to produce and mail,
they are just greetings cards. It would be really nice to get a card in
return for one sent, but sometimes it won't happen. I think that if that
is a problem for you, then either don't sign up, or just privately send
out cards to those people who you want to send cards to.=20

It's not really an exchange, and probably shouldn't be called that. The
list should just be made up of people who would like to produce a card,
but don't expect one in return. More an expression of intent rather than
a commitment."

Got it, it is not an exchange. It is a gifting. No more comments. I will
gift privately in the future.

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Message 2
From: Sharri LaPierre
Date: Wed, 9 May 2007 09:36:04 -0700
Subject: [Baren 33393] Re: missing prints...
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It seems many of us who sent our dog prints out early are not on
Marilynn's list, which leads me to believe the problem is on her end,
too. If anyone is short a dog or pig let me know and I will send one
right out.
Michelle, your wonderful pig's arrived the other day, along with Maria
Regina's gorgeous red dude and Marilynn's little gal in the flowers. I
haven't counted, but the folder I keep them in is getting fat, I think
there must be thirty-something.
And, now I have to honor my promise not to say another word about this

Cheers ~
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Message 3
From: "Marilynn Smith"
Date: Wed, 9 May 2007 09:07:46 -0700
Subject: [Baren 33394] Re: Baren Digest (old) V39 #3898
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I can't resist telling eveyone about this magnifying glass I got at Harbor
Freight and Tools over the weekend, in Portland. I paid all of $2.99 for
this and it is a head magnifier, with a head strap that fits on your head
and has lights. It has 2 large sets of magnifiers and a small one you can
flip over to view close up items. For the money it can not be beat. Soo if
you want one I would check out your local Harbor Freight and tool store
soon. These head magnifiers are a great aid when carving.
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Message 4
From: "Robert Viana"
Date: Wed, 09 May 2007 16:51:32 -0200
Subject: [Baren 33395] magnified headset
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I have a couple of those. They are great. I use it nearly every time I carve.
You got a better deal though, I paid 5.99 for mine.
Still worth every penny

Robert Viana

> I can't resist telling eveyone about this magnifying glass I got at Harbor
> Freight and Tools over the weekend, in Portland. I paid all of $2.99 for
> this and it is a head magnifier, with a head strap that fits on your head
> and has lights. It has 2 large sets of magnifiers and a small one you can
> flip over to view close up items. For the money it can not be beat. Soo if
> you want one I would check out your local Harbor Freight and tool store
> soon. These head magnifiers are a great aid when carving.
> M.
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Message 5
From: Dan Dew
Date: Wed, 9 May 2007 15:17:03 -0400
Subject: [Baren 33396] Slightly Off Topic
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I have been quiet the last few months, working on my new website (and
learning how to do all that stuff).

Other than the guest book and contact section, completed.

Take a look and let me know what you think, off list please.

Daniel L. Dew
Tampa, FL 33624
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Message 6
From: Julio.Rodriguez #
Date: Wed, 9 May 2007 16:42:44 -0500
Subject: [Baren 33397] Re: missing prints...
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Sharri writes:
"If anyone is short a dog or pig let me know and I will send one right

When you guys sign up for these New Year card exchanges I get a trailer
email with all your relevant information....I have kept all these signup
emails filed by Year of....they also tell me date & time when you signed
up.....if anyone is really short on prints and would like to contact
participants from a previous year write me off list and I can forward you
the email id's so you can make contact.

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Message 7
From: "Maria Arango"
Date: Wed, 9 May 2007 16:15:45 -0700
Subject: [Baren 33398] Spring Cairn update!
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We're cooking now...

47 blocks have been received, I'm so delighted I could just dance (and we
all now how painful that could be).
I had just enough time to unpack, feed and water the blocks that I received
(traveling dehydrates them, you know). They are now chatting away with all
the other blocks from all over the world in neat little piles, waiting for
even more friends to show up. No, I'm not really that flaky.

Butseriouslynow, here's the updated page:

If your name is in BOLD you are hereby off the hook. If your name is not in get qwackin'
If you sent your block and your name is not in BOLD just email me.
If you didnt' send your block and your name is in BOLD, I will catch the
error sooner or later so don't get comfy.

To those also in Baren Exchange 32, please get that done first. I can wait
just a little longer.

Also a huge note of thanks for all the contributions to help fund the
project. A special thanks is owed from everyone to Dianne Cutter and AEleen
Frish for their generosity.
I'm off to deposit the pile of money in my Cairn-savings-account and buy the
last batch of paper.
Claudia, I ate all the cookies just now; they gave me the energy to do all
that I just said I did.


Maria Arango
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Message 8
From: "Mike Lyon"
Date: Wed, 9 May 2007 18:18:17 -0500
Subject: [Baren 33399] Re: Baren Digest (old) V39 #3898
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Cool, Marilyn -- is this the magnifier you mean?

-- Mike

Mike Lyon
Kansas City, MO
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Message 9
From: "Maria Arango"
Date: Wed, 9 May 2007 16:20:52 -0700
Subject: [Baren 33400] one more!
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Extended and special thanks also to Wouter ten Broek, also top of the
contribution list.


Maria Arango
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Message 10
From: derrick sampson
Date: Wed, 9 May 2007 18:29:18 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Baren 33401] Re: one more!
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For all thoes interested, I am selling my printing press and all the goodies that go with the whole printing hobby. I have a press, lots of tools, brayers, barens, paper, wood, etc... contact me if anyone in the tacoma/seattle/olympia area is interested. If your willing to travel I'll cut you a break. attached is my email address and my telephone number. no calls after 9 pm pacific standard please. If you want pictures I have em!

Derrick Loren Sampson
home: po box 44757
tacoma: wa 98444
phone: 253 538 1893
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Message 11
From: Blog Manager
Date: 10 May 2007 03:55:21 -0000
Subject: [Baren 33402] Baren Member blogs: Update Notification
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This is an automatic update message being sent to [Baren] by the forum blog software.

The following new entries were found on the listed printmaker's websites during the past 24 hours. (32 sites checked, five minutes before midnight Eastern time)


Site Name: The Itinerant Artist

Author: Diane Cutter
Item: I played with a solar plate, applying ink as if ...


Site Name: Belinda Del Pesco Fine Art Blog

Author: Belinda Del Pesco
Item: Monotype & Colored Pencil; Sweet Dreams in Purple

Author: Belinda Del Pesco
Item: Watercolor: Origami Bistro

Author: Belinda Del Pesco
Item: Monotype: Omikuji II

Author: Belinda Del Pesco
Item: Monotype: Cake


Site Name: Gayle's Woodblock Blog

Item: Cairn Puzzle Piece Spoiler


[Baren] members: if you have a printmaking blog (or a website with a published ATOM feed), and wish it to be included in this daily checklist, please write to the Baren Blog Manager at:

For reference, sites/blogs currently being checked are:
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Message 12
From: "Mark Mason"
Date: Thu, 10 May 2007 10:37:07 +0100
Subject: [Baren 33403] Re: Year of nauseam ("Carole Baker")
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"I don't think of these prints as "just greeting cards" as one
person referred to them. Though smaller size, I think most people put
proportionately just as much effort into them as they do into their other
exchange prints. The exchange is based on a tradition of greeting cards..."

I wouldn't want Carole to misinterpret me, and imply that I think the cards take less time and effort and creativity, infact if she'd used the quote in it's entirety that should have been apparent:

Quote: "Although the cards take time, effort and expense to produce and mail, they are just greetings cards." Unquote.

What I was meaning was that the New Year cards appear to be expressions of affection and solidarity amongst Baren members within an informal 'exchange' if you want to use that word. A greetings card by any other name, and different from the more formally structured print exchanges with their set deadlines etc.

I have friends in the greetings card industry and I know how hard they work, and how little they get paid for producing lovely artwork. I would never demean their efforts (and those of Baren members) by using the phrase "just greeting cards" in a derogatory manner, and I hope Carole understands that.

Kindest regards, Mark.