Today's postings

  1. [Baren 40004] Re: Dave's Printmaking eBook ("Maria Arango Diener")
  2. [Baren 40005] Dave's eBook (Gayle Wohlken)
  3. [Baren 40006] Re: Dave's eBook (David Bull)
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Message 1
From: "Maria Arango Diener"
Date: Thu, 22 Oct 2009 02:26:16 GMT
Subject: [Baren 40004] Re: Dave's Printmaking eBook
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Nothing, I just wanted 40004 (sorry :-)
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Message 2
From: Gayle Wohlken
Date: Thu, 22 Oct 2009 02:55:04 GMT
Subject: [Baren 40005] Dave's eBook
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Dave, is there ever a chance your book will come out as an actual
book, one we could hold in our hands and thumb through the pages? It
would be nice to have one where I wouldn't have to sit in front of a
screen tucked away in a room upstairs. It looks like a wonderful book
to own.

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Message 3
From: David Bull
Date: Thu, 22 Oct 2009 04:04:17 GMT
Subject: [Baren 40006] Re: Dave's eBook
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Gayle wrote:

> Dave, is there ever a chance your book will come out as an actual book

Only if some outside publisher decides to pick it up and run with it.
I myself can't possibly afford the thousands of $ that would be
necessary to get it into physical print (properly). I'm not 'anti-
book' at all, and of course I too would love to have a nicely-printed
physical version, but it is simply not possible economically, at least
not for me as an individual.

And even then, what about the audio and video? They are really an
integral part of the thing - and although you could have an inserted
disc, it wouldn't be the same. I think this is definitely the way of
the future, and I think you will find books like this much easier to
read, once you have one of the next generation tablet media players in
hand ... not long now!
