Daniel Dew, USA

'Proverbs 25:24'

(Click image to pop-up an enlargement )

Artist's comments ...

    Wow, what a trip this print has been!

    The idea, or key block, was cut a year ago.

    It is now a five color, multi lino block print with rainbow rolls on Goyu paper with, AHHHHHHH, Speedball inks.

    The black ink is actually Graphic Checmical Black.

    I love this print and the verse it illustrates!

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Jean Womack

Jean Womack, Richmond, California, USA

'911, low ceiling, birds, bad restaurant meal'

(Click image to pop-up an enlargement )

Artist's comments ...

    Whatever I said last time, still goes, whatever that means.

If you wish to offer some feedback on this print, you may do so using this form. (Your input will be sent directly to the artist's email address, and will not be seen by anybody else ...)

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